Resolving Complaints Through Mediation

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Resolving Complaints Through Mediation

Handling a complaint can be stressful, time consuming and costly. Communication can often break down and a resolution cannot be found.

Customers of DGCOS installers have access to a free mediation service that has helped resolve over 87% of complaints. The remaining 12% had access to a free Ombudsman service to conclude their disputes without incurring legal fees or costs.

Mediation is easier and less stressful than going to court and is much more likely to produce a result that is mutually agreeable between both parties.

During the mediation process the mediator will:

  • Address the issue being disputed.

  • Remain impartial throughout the whole process and help both parties understand the other person’s point of view.

  • Help you to establish any and all options and the consequences of such.

  • Offer options on how to resolve the conflict.

  • Try to restore a good relationship between both parties after the dispute is settled.

How long will it take?

  • The length of time taken in any mediation process depends on the level of cooperation from both parties and the nature of the issue.

What are the advantages of mediation?

  • Mediation is free to the consumer.

  • Mediation allows the opportunity for both parties to work together in order to find an amicable resolution.

  • An experienced professional is able to aid your negotiations and help achieve a quick and fair resolution.

Overall, the mediator will help facilitate an agreement about what should happen in order for a resolution to be agreed. If you would like to know more about how DGCOS’ mediation service works, please contact DGCOS on 0345 053 8975 or [email protected]

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